how this site works
the whole site is edited in emacs
- sometimes people ask me what i’m up to. i’d never admit that a large portion of my time is spent in emacs, but if bebo is present, she will very helpfully, and innocently, reveal this, typically by saying something like “he’s been working in emacs. burl, tell them what emacs is…”.
- i don’t know how to tell epople what emacs is, or what i’ve been doing with it. i usually tell people it’s “a hard text editor,”.
- then there’s org-mode, and org-roam. there’s no possible way i could tell you, a computer-normie, what these things are…
- org-mode is used to edit org files in emacs. it has a shit ton of functions, like org-agenda, which can show you all your todos and your schedule. or org-publish, which is what i use to transform org files into html files (it’s how i made this site).
- org-roam is kind of add-on to org-mode which let’s you edit org files in a kind of zettelkasten sorta way… it creates a database of your org files, and then you can link them together with links (like the links on this site)
i use a separate roam workspace
- this site is an org-roam zettelkasten, but it’s separate from my main zettelkasten. i did this so that when i use org-publish the only files that are converted into html files are the ones for this website. else y’all would be reading a buncha shit that you’d have no really way to access or be interested in. though i imagine you’re hardly interested in what you’re reading now.
- roam workspaces
org-publish module
replacing certain